Eklektično-električni, sodobno-nostalgični, večno igrivo-zbadljiv rock’n’roll. Četrti album zasedbe Čao Portorož je TU, TU, TU, TU, TU, TU, TU! …
The plains of Panonia hail a new underground formation! Moving as a Giant, a three piece freak of noisy nature… |
Moving as a Giant present to you their first music video! An experimental noise-filled visualiser that not only represents… |
Luč sveta je ugledal prvi singel z nove plošče varovancev naše založbe, shoegazerjev Haiku Garden, naslovljen Avalanš. Introspektivna pesem, ki med… |
Kapa Records proudly introduce to you auto, a Ljubljana based group who produce high octane garage noise rock. Their inspirations hail from… |
balans, undoubtedly one of the most active groups to rise up from the scenes of the Slovenian underground, spreading their… |
The Slovenian bunkerpop trio balans present the second single for their newest record. To balance out their first single, the… |
It has been a busy and successful start of 2023 for Haiku Garden. The first first few months had… |
Spring returns! And so do balans. With a brand new single that sets flame to their newest bunker-pop… |
The Canyon Observer present their third full length album titled Figura. The third album of the Slovenian post-metal, black… |
The everchanging and constantly growing ten piece that is The Canyon Observer release a music video for the third single… |
With their broad range of influences, SPIRAL MIND are releasing their second studio album, The Inbetweens. The Inbetweens by SPIRAL… |
The Canyon Observer are back to showcase us the first single off of their third record, the ever transforming masterpiece… |
As summer unravelled, so have many outdoor concerts, festivals, sunny days and seaside activities. Now the regularity of gloomy fog-filled… |
KAPA Records proudly announces a new release! The ‘pioneers of Slovenian shoegaze’ return with their heavily anticipated second full… |
A young coastal trio, SPIRAL MIND, that consists of experienced musicians Manuel Brajnik, Rok Babič and Gaj Bostič, use their… |
The new Haiku Garden track splits open the wavy guitar fog with fuzzed-out bass and relentless drumming. This time around… |
Nina Bulatovix is a Ljubljana based post-punk trio full of seductive melodies, singing lyrics, primitive screams and the eclecticism of… |
The tandem of drum and saxophone in a fusion of electronics, exploratory jazz and afrofuturism reflected through the impressive visualizations… |
The bunkerpop balans present a fresh remix of the song uganka made by Slovenian electronic producer .čunfa. The reworked sound image… |
While The Canyon Observer is busy bringing their new album into existence you can snack on this lovely tune. Come… |
The Ljubljana band balans presents a new video single “njamnjam” from their latest album “sam pravm“. Order vinyl or digital… |
“In ko me sprašuješ / And when you’re asking me” is a song about getting closer, hugging, withdrawing, tearing down…. |
ŠKM banda is far from unknown to music connoisseurs. After twenty years of playing music together, five well-received albums and… |
The local jazztronic trio Etceteral presents a video single created under the baton of visual artist Line Rice. Their strong visual… |
Good news! POP vinyl are back in stock! Get them at KAPA Records Bandcamp. Even better news! Here is the brand… |
While getting ready to record their next album, Ljubljana shoegaze heroes Haiku Garden will stop by on Kino Šiška stream! In… |
In any other situation in life we might spend Saturday night in a club or at a concert, say… |
KAPA Records proudly presents the third album of the Ljubljana based post-punk trio Nina Bulatovix. NEW ALBUM “Zob za zob”… |
Listen to the second single Morgenrot by Nina Bulatovix. From the upcoming album “Zob za zob.” Available everywhere NOW. Full… |
The seriously playful trio Etceteral is going on a winter stream trip from Slovenia to the Netherlands! 👉 Join… |
Thanks for saving us from 2020 with great music: – BALANS – SAM PRAVM – ČAO PORTOROŽ – POP –… |
Nina is back! Six years ago, she wondered: “What kind of FLOCKS have we raised?” On the new album,… |
POP by Čao Portorož as one of the best albums of the year by Muzika.hr! … We can’t argue. 😉 |
MENT & Sound City present the bunkerpop post-punk band balans. Live session recorded for Liverpool Sound City in November 2020… |
The sixth album by the bunker-pop tandem balans is out now! All songs are available at KAPA Records Bandcamp, on… |
balans is warming up before the release of the sixth album “sam pravm”. This is their second music video “dežuje”… |
We are pleased to announce that the Ljubljana audio-visual duo balans has joined the KAPA family. The bunkerpop tandem has… |
The Innovation Network of European Showcases (INES) is announcing the nominees for its INES#talent Programme 2021. Out of hundreds… |
The debut album “Ama – gi” for every late-night dancer and lover of freedom is out now! All ten songs… |
The afro-futuristic trio Etceteral just released their second single “Knight of Wands”. We’re super excited about the debut album “Ama-gi”,… |
With the new single “Viking” we’re happy to announce the release of the debut album “Ama – gi”, which will take… |
Ljubavnik by Čao Portorož has entered the finals for Milan Mladenović 2020 Award – the best song from the territory… |
KAPA Records playlist is here! ♥ Listen to our sweet bands on Spotify. https://bit.ly/sugarspiceandallsongsnice_ Haiku Garden / Čao… |
https://bit.ly/TheCanyonObserver_ZOOM *ZOOM: You first have to download the Zoom app to your device (computer, tablet, phone). Registration is required… |
The mischevious punk rock band Čao Portorož is happy to present the new music video Ljubavnik, produced by Barbar Studio and Čao Portorož…. |
Nina Bulatovix with a shot of musical rebellion on štream! Tune in on Thursday, 28 May, at 9 PM CEST… |
The mischievous Ljubljana-based quartet presents their third full-length “POP”, out now on KAPA Records. The band’s wild mix of rock… |
The Canyon Observer are saying goodbye to 2019 with a massive new single. “Urn is intensely harrowing. But all of… |
Hello! Hola! Hey! Čao! Čao Portorož have set up an electro-rock bomb “Cocks on the Rocks,” just before the explosion!… |
Bowrain presents the new single “Slow Down.” The minimalist and experimental sound piece is based on the piano phrase, created… |
This time Darla Smoking again recounts genocidal acts at the expense of the economic and political relations we cultivate in… |
The Slovenian shoegaze band Haiku Garden announces European Tour in November! Where, if not now?! Armed with the highly… |
A series of music projects called “Dvocikel” has been up and running since 2014. It is a one-week musical residence,… |
7. september je osrednji dan obletnice AKC Metelkova mesto, kjer si boste za 10 eur lahko poleg štirih predstavnikov založbe KAPA na Letnem vrtu Gale Hale ogledali še pester program vseh klubov in drugih kotičkov svojega omiljenega »mesta v mestu« |
KAPA Records ponosno predstavlja nov bend na založbi – zasedbo Lynch in njihov novi singel [Post-sup Revival]! Ljubljanski peterec… |
Le dober mesec po izidu doma in v tujini izjemno toplo sprejetega dolgometražnega prvenca “Where If Not Now” se je zasedba Haiku Garden sredi… |
Haiku Garden, the Slovenian flagbearers of noisy guitars, melodic vocal structures and sonic prowess, have their first LP in store!… |
Ne spreglejte prihajajočih koncertov naših bendov! HAIKU GARDEN: 21.7., Vrhnika, Bazen. W. Futurski 25.8., Budimpešta, A38. TYB Ahoy! w…. |
Prekmurska post-jazz zasedba ŠKM Banda se je pred kratkim vrnila s krajše, a zelo uspešne turneje po Srbiji. Virtuozni instrumentalni četverec… |
Haiku Garden, a young 4-piece from Slovenia, Europe, who supplement their shoegazing foundation with indie rock, neo-psychedelia, dream pop and noise rock, released their first EP Waver in front of the full Ljubljana’s club Gala Hala. |
Domači shoegaze prvoborci Haiku Garden pred izidom težko pričakovanega kratkometražca Waver stopnjujejo napetost – tu je njihov prvi singel za supersonični šus Rosetta! |
Slovenska alternativna glasbena zgodovina doživlja žanrski mejnik. |
The Canyon Observer, najglasnejši slovenski bend atmosferično-sludgerskega šunda, sklepa svojo kubansko turnejo doma. S Kube se bodo vrnili kot prvi… |
Najglasnejši slovenski bend, atmosferični sludge metalci The Canyon Obsever, pošilja v svet svoj novi video. Gre za skladbo »All of… |
Ludovik Material, ljubljanska trojica, ki igra sodobno mešanico post-punka z noisovskimi in elektropop prvinami, leto 2016 nadaljuje v duhu svojega… |
The Canyon Observer, giants of contemporary incarnations of metal brutality, which mostly answer to sludge, post-metal and atmospherical black metal,… |
The fantastic New Noise Magazine has premiered the first song from the The Canyon Observer upcoming album FVCK, titled “Luscious… |
Ludovik Material just don’t stop! This is getting insane, but it surely reflects their music. Their upcoming schedule: 14…. |
Koncert The Canyon Observer za novi album FVCK bo v Stari mestni elektrarni v petek, 20. 11., ko bodo zvonovi odbili 21:00. |
Ludovik Material have been invited to play the showcase festival of them all – Eurosonic Noorderslag. |
FVCK will be released on November 19th this year as a result of the cooperation of Slovenian KAPA Records (Ludovik Material, ŠKM banda, Coma Stereo …) and French Vox Project (Žen, Vlasta Popić, Plèvre …). |
Ljubljana’s eccentric post-punkers Ludovik Material have managed an amazing feat. September 15th saw the release of their single »Model Generation«… |
LUDOVIK MATERIAL have it busy in the coming fall. Europe, watch out! 23. 9. 2015 – Sklenena Louka, Brno… |
Our beloved trashy post-punks Ludovik Material have been confirmed to play one of the foremost European showcase festivals – Waves Vienna + Bratislava. |
Čao Portorož are playing INmusic festival, Ludovik Material are playing INmusic AND Exit festival! |
Liverpool Sound City Festival, one of the biggest music festivals and music conferences (showcases) in the world, has invited our Ludovik Material to play at their 2015 edition, which will take place from 22nd to 24th May in Liverpool, UK. |
LUDOVIK MATERIAL – MODEL GENERATION /KAPA RECORDS 2015/ Post-punk versatility, embodied in Ljubljana-based trio Ludovik Material, is once again… |
The sophomore release from Ljubljana’s incarnation of indie trash, punk and eletronic music, titled Model Generation, has become revealed a bit more today with garage-styled videosingle »Workin’s Ass«. |
NINA BULATOVIX – JATE /KAPA RECORDS 2014/ Drums, bass and voice. The first one is driven, punk and disco-like,… |
Don’t worry. We’ll be back! |
Zasedba Red Five Point Star se je zadnji vikend v maju vrnila v Južno Afriko, kjer je leta 2009 in… |
Electronic punk-sounding music or punk sounding like electronic music, that is the question? Ludovik Material is one of those line-ups… |
For our foreign readers: First single from upcoming second album (release 19th December) by Čao Portorož. Listen HERE. Ljubljanska zasedba… |
For our foreign readers: Red Five Point Star are hitting Trnfest with Big band Vrhnika! 31. 8. 2013, 20:30 @… |
Your favorite sludgers will be on tour again. This time Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy. Check the dates… |
Concert and release date: 24. 11. 2011, 21h @ Gala hala, Ljubljana support: Rude Skankers (Trbovlje) Entrance + CD: 10… |
Yes, we released the first EP! As you allready know, we’re talking about The Canyon Observer and four epic songs… |
Petek, 21.10.2011 ob 22h Gala hala, Metelkova mesto Backstage z gosti 😀 (Ljubljana) www.backstageband.si www.facebook.com/backstageband Predskupina: B.T.K. (Ivančna Gorica) www.myspace.com/btk4band… |
The Canyon Observer je petčlanska osrednjeslovenska zasedba, ki se zateka predvsem k post-metalskemu zvoku, a ga para na svoj način… |