This time Coma Stereo tours with a new keyboard player, preparing some new tunes … Check the LP 1000 mest…
Slepič, the first song off of their new effort is here to serve as a short but sweet gateway look into the world of The Canyon Observer’s latest work. A single exclaiming the full repertoire of the band’s new influences, sounds and members.
Animation: Marina Uzelac, Ivan Ščapec
Camera, editing: Marina Uzelac
The Canyon Observer (Figura) are:
Bojan Varga – drums
Gašper Prus – drums
Gašper Letonja – guitar
Miloš Miloševič – guitar, vox
Matic Babič – vox, noises
Nik Franko – bass
Jure Boršič – alt sax
Jasna Kolar – baritone sax
Tadeja Žele – cello
Katarina Kozjek – cello
Recorded live @ Dom kulture Kamnik
Engineered by Gašper Letonja & Nik Franko
Mixed by Gašper Letonja
Mastered by James Plotkin
Med 4. in 6. oktobrom se je v Budimpešti odvijal festival Hangfoglalás / Soundquest, del katerega je bila tudi konferenca… |
This time Coma Stereo tours with a new keyboard player, preparing some new tunes … Check the LP “1000 mest”… |
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Another tour is behind Coma Stereo. The band is still promoting their 3rd record “1000 mest” (2012). This time the… |
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