This time Coma Stereo tours with a new keyboard player, preparing some new tunes … Check the LP 1000 mest…
balans is warming up before the release of the sixth album “sam pravm”.
This is their second music video “dežuje” from the upcoming album, which will be released digitally and on vinyl by KAPA Records on Wednesday, November 11th 2020.
“komad za deževne dni, balans balada za strte ljudi, ohlajevanje z vseh strani, dž miri al pa mori.
PA DŽ! lej, sam pravm, no.”
The post-punk versatility embodied in balans proves that their music knows no boundaries, nor does it try to transcend them. Their approach to creation, which skillfully maps everyday stories and feelings into a minimalist musical structure, is even more open and genuine this time around.
more from balans:
more from KAPA Records:
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