This time Coma Stereo tours with a new keyboard player, preparing some new tunes … Check the LP 1000 mest…
Post-punk versatility, embodied in Ljubljana-based trio Ludovik Material, is once again proving it is without boundaries – Ludoviks do not try to go beyond them, they are proving boundaries are non-existent. Here is their new album, Model Generation, and accompanying self-titled videosingle.
The album Model Generation is shattering all gears and breaking the sound barrier. It wanders into experimental off-shots of noise rock, post-punk distortions, electro-pop catchiness, floating ambiental passages and moving post-rock escalations. At the same time it manages to merge all these elements into transcedental compositions.
The ideology of Ludovik Material, who was proclaimed as »the band of the day« at Ment Festival Ljubljana by the legendary musician and journalist John Robb for his online rock music and pop culture magazine Louder Than War, comes alive on the band’s new album in all its bitter self-irony. You see, that »model generation«, featured in their album’s manifesto, is not only the generation of narcissistic selfie models. Or is it? Turn the volume up, read it through and make your own conclusions. The video, a collage of archive clips of Dolenc’s family and current clips of the band, takes all that and enchances it. The video was, as well as the previous one, produced by the band alone.
The album Model Generation, out now on KAPA Records, will premiere on April 2nd, 2015 at Ljubljana’s Gala Hala. You can order the album on vinyl and/or download it (»name your price«) on the band’s section of KAPA Records’ Bandcamp page.
Model Generation credits:
Ludovik Material: Tina Perić, Matija Dolenc, Jaka Berger – Brgs
Recording: Jure Vlahovič and Jernej Černalogar, Studio Metro, summer 2014
Production: Ludovik Material, Jure Vlahovič in Jernej Černalogar, Studio Metro
Mastering: Igor Vuk
Cover art: Lucijan Prelog
Album Model Generation:
Videosingle »Model Generation«:
Videosingle »Workin’ Ass«:
Single »Summertime«:
Ludovik Material online:
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