New release on Kapa Records! This time we present Slovenian producer RAANE. You might have heard him with bands like Intimn Frizurn, Joko Ono and BAST, but this is his first solo music step. We’re talking about dub sounds combined with live instruments and amazing vocals. First song – Ko z debili rajam, features voclas by Jaka Burger (Corkscrew, Los Ventilos …), piano by Miha Renčelj, hi-hat by Igor Iskra and lyrics by Bojan Tomažič (released in 2007 as part of the lyrics by Slovenian band CZD). Second single – Transpires In Space And Time features vocals drowning in reverb by Severa Gjurin. Double bass was recorded by Žiga Kranjc.

Double single was mastered by Neven Smolčič.  Cover art was designed by Mark Divjak (M7 Grafiks).

RAANE – double singl (Ko z debili rajam/Transpires In Space And Time)

And here’s two internet videos:
RAANE – Ko z debili rajam
RAANE – Transpires In Space And Time
